New Additions to the Marketplace Community

We would like to take this space to warmly welcome the following companies to the Marketplace: Manna Farm Ministries, SytroRez Texas, Orangewood Inn & Suites, Tipping T, Hooligan AutoWorks, Hope Family Thrift Store, The Computer Repair Connection, Adequately Excellent Entertainment, Acura Roofing Inc., Saturn Shell, Ubreakifix, Austin Roofing and Construction, Ben E Keith Beverages, and MakeATX. 

Thanks for joining our reuse community, y’all! Without you we wouldn’t have such a successful program. 

If you haven’t logged into the new Marketplace to check things out, you should give it a look! With the new additions to our participant base, we have seen some really interesting materials listed as available and wanted. Check it out now, or sign up today

BlogKatie Duffy